Embracing Intuition: Trusting Your Inner Voice in Times of Change and Loss

October 13, 2023

By Sue Bayley

Recently a dear friend transitioned beyond his earthly body.
 A meditation on the Kiddish appeared in my Facebook feed.
I saw this as a sign.
Then the image disappeared and it couldn’t be found.
 Oh, I perceived that my instincts had been incorrect.
 No, 24 hours later it appeared again, and this time was spot on to his passing.
Trust your mind, body, spirit.
 It can be a real ally.
 And a true friend.

“Whatever you resist you become. If you resist anger, you are always angry. If you resist sadness, you are always sad. If you resist suffering, you are always suffering “. Adyashanti.

“Ego says: “Once everything falls into place, I will find peace”. “Spirit says: “Find peace and everything will fall into place”. Author unknown

How many times do you ignore your intuition? 
An example being, take a siesta, eat more of a particular type of food.

Consequence being that you sabotage your inner knowing, and then egoic thoughts attempt to provide justification.

Be the witness. And know.

In these moments of introspection and self-discovery, tuning into and trusting your intuition is crucial. Here are some additional pieces of advice:


Write down your thoughts and feelings. Journaling can help to process emotions, improve intuition, and bring clarity.

Mindfulness Meditation:

Practice mindfulness meditation to stay present, become aware of your thoughts and feelings, and learn to observe them without judgment.

Nature Retreat:

Spend time in nature. It can be grounding, provide clarity, and reconnect you to your inner self.

Seek Support:

Connect with friends or join support groups to share your experiences and feelings. Others' perspectives can be enlightening.

Physical Wellness:

Pay attention to your physical health. Exercise, balanced diet, and adequate rest are essential to enhance mental and emotional wellbeing.

Explore Spirituality:

If it resonates with you, explore spiritual practices. They can bring comfort, peace, and understanding in times of loss and change.


Forgive yourself for times you've ignored your intuition. Every experience is an opportunity to learn and grow.

Gratitude Practice:

Focus on the things you are grateful for. It helps shift the focus from loss and grief to acknowledgment and acceptance.

Express Creatively:

Engage in creative expression like painting, writing, or music. It helps to express emotions that are sometimes hard to put into words.

Seek Professional Help:

Consider seeking help from a therapist or counselor, especially if you’re feeling overwhelmed. They can provide tools and strategies to cope.

Remember, honoring and trusting your intuition means taking the time to listen to the inner voice and allowing yourself the space to feel, heal, and grow. You are on a journey, and every step, even the uncertain ones, is a part of the path leading you to a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Susan Marie